Sunday, March 12, 2017

Tuesday Storm -- T Minus 48 Hours (Roughly)

It's a bright sunny Sunday but don't let that fool you. It's freezing out there--5 degrees at the GSD Home Office as of 8 AM--and a Wind Chill Advisory is still technically in effect, although it isn't very breezy out there at the moment.

But you're probably reading this because you're interested in the rumored snowstorm for Tuesday. Well, the rumors are true. It is going to snow on Tuesday, potentially very hard at times. And the wind will kick up significantly with gusts into the 30s (mph).

This storm hits a lot of the checkboxes for a snow day Tuesday: nor'easter; 6+ inches of snow; high winds; great timing (expected to start around dawn); lots of storm hype. This storm feels a lot like the storm we had on February 9th, which resulted in snow days for almost all students in the county.

NOAA is predicting 8-12 inches for the Berkshires with higher totals south.
We do think some of the early maps we've seen exaggerate how much snow we'll get. The intel we're receiving in our office indicates that we'll see snow throughout the day on Tuesday in light and moderate waves. Then, as the storm intensifies off the coast of Cape Cod, the wrap-around snow (as the storm deforms) will hit is with several more inches Tuesday night and into Wednesday morning. It could still be snowing on Wednesday morning.

Right now we think we'll get 4 inches during the day on Tuesday (starting around 7 AM) and then another 4 inches Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. Some bolder Superintendents may choose to go with the early release on Tuesday; many others will opt for the full snow day. And then Superintendents may have to debate delays or full snow days on Wednesday as well. Those folks are going to be a little sleep-deprived in the middle of the week.

At the very least students should expect at least one day this week to be be shortened due to snow. The best case scenario for students will be two snow days.

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