Monday, April 4, 2016

Post-Storm Recap

All in all it was a successful snowy day in the Berkshires! North Adams get the short end of the stick; Central and Southern Berkshire made out great, as did McCann. Most schools earned their first delay or cancellation of the season.

We probably should have been a little more bullish with our prediction, but you can understand why we might have set everyone up to have low expectations.

We've heard talk tonight--from the truly desperate--about the chances for black ice delays tomorrow morning. Har-dee-har-har. Not going to happen. Don't even go there--it's not worth it.

(We suppose nothing's impossible, but we'd put it in the 1-2% range.)

This storm is likely it for the winter of 2015-16. We had 5.1 inches at the GSD Home Office in Williamstown today. We're now well out out of the woods for winning the Winter With The Least Amount of Snow record. Is that a good thing or not?

We should see a return to more seasonable temperatures (in the 50s) by the end of the week, but we'll have one more day of February-like temperatures Tuesday and Tuesday night.

Mother Nature is unpredictable. You may be hearing from us again in the next few weeks.

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