Tuesday, November 15, 2022

The Chance For A Wednesday Delay Is Now Weaker

The good news: it's going to snow tonight. (In fact, it's snowing right now). Yay! The bad news: the storm is tracking more to our west than models and forecasters originally thought. Boo!

This means we will have our winter wonderland this evening so get out there and enjoy it. But a warm pocket of air is going to sneak up the from the south and change our snow over to mixed precipitation briefly and then all rain. Sadly, that changeover is going to happen much earlier than we thought: well before the morning commute.

So, it's not looking too great for delays. A few schools in higher elevation towns in the eastern part of the county could still get a delay, but most students should anticipate a full day tomorrow. We know that's not what you wanted to hear given all the stress and drama of the pre-sale today, but, like the Ticketmaster website, these early season storms can be very fickle and unreliable.

This ain't gonna cut it.

It's small consolation, but some of the models are showing impressive potential storms over Thanksgiving weekend and the middle of the week after Thanksgiving. And with the cold air in place for a few more weeks, our chance for an early season winter storm is still better than average.

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