Monday, February 21, 2022

Early Signs of Spring Then Winter's Triumphant Return

Enjoy the inch or so of squall-induced snow we got on Saturday for a few hours longer because temps are headed to the 50s for the early part of the week and we will be snowless yet again.

But after some rain to deal with Tuesday night into Wednesday, the temperature will drop sharply, and there is an improving chance for an actual snow storm Thursday into Friday. If you trust the models--which you know you really shouldn't do at this point in the proceedings--then you need to get the snow boots, shovels and sleds ready because Berkshire County is expected to get 8-12" of fresh snow. 

Yes, it's vacation week for most students (less fun for the prognosticators at GSD), but that should not put a damper on your excitement about a genuine snow storm.

Unfortunately the news is not all rainbows and puppy dogs about the storm. Despite really excellent model agreement right now, there is a chance for a period of sleet and freezing rain to bring snow totals down and give us more of a winter soup than a clean snow storm. It will not be as bad as the icy mess we had on February 4, but given the orientation of this storm, ice could very well factor in.

The Euro model. Snow totals are by the end of the day on Friday.

The American model for the same time period.

Enjoy the warm weather and stay dry on Wednesday. We'll have daily updates about the end of week storm, including a better sense of the timing and snow/ice amounts.

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