Monday, January 24, 2011

Storm 1.27 (Thursday) Taking Shape

The GSD staff is feeling a lot like the audience at the end of Inception--we're mostly confused. First, this morning went haywire and got us all flustered, and now the blockbuster storm de week is sending so many confusing signals we feel like we're trying to read Navajo code.

So, we'll keep it simple and just give you this picture. We think you'll like this picture. Paul Caiano and Danny Downer have not been asked to help plan the snow day party:

We haven't used this image before. It just feels that way.

We wish we knew more, but this map certainly will raise everyone's spirits. Snow will move into the area tomorrow from an unconnected disturbance via the Midwest, but it won't be enough to threaten school.
The conclusion from our most recent GSD staff meeting is that the real storm will start on Wednesday afternoon and go right into the morning commute on Thursday. Keep your eye on the Confidence Meter--changes will be coming.


  1. I just checked on and it said that we are supposed to snow from 8:00pm to 2:00pm tomorrow... why are we planing for a Thursday snows Day

  2. Hey, GSD- Congrats on the article in the paper today! Keep up the good work!

  3. I was looking at the GSD meter and I noticed the super was back to neutral when in the interview she said that the more snow-days the less likely she was to call them. Please say something if I'm missing something!

  4. love how long it took greylock to call the delay today. i love driving to school to find out its a delay and i can go home

  5. I do hope it happens on Thursday. I'd hate to miss a half day (on which no one does anything anyway) and then have to make up a whole day.

  6. is never very specific though, it's probably snow flurries.
    do you honestly trust over GSD.... *facepalm
    what is wrong with you?

  7. GSD Chief of Quality ControlJanuary 24, 2011 at 6:38 PM

    In response to the Super's neutral status, she may be feeling a little scalded by the confusion this morning. One could argue (GSD is, at any rate) that for the next storm the Super will be decisive at 5:30 am and err on the side of caution. Translation: better chance of a snow day as long as it's snowing moderately at 5:30.

  8. this morning the Super was in NH w/ her new grandbaby, likely unaware of our chaos (as no one could reach her), appreciating the wonder of children. when she returns, she’ll probably be eager to set us free for a day. nothing could work with us more than fresh-baby smell, right?
